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Weight loss has never felt this good.

Weight loss is a complex and individual matter. What works for one of us may not work for a good deal of others. This isn't your average "quick-fix" program. This is weight loss through lifestyle change. This means that we unlock weight loss at the core level of health, creating sustainable and maintainable losses, and more importantly, phenomenal gains in systemic wellbeing! 

We look to science and nature to help us understand our bodies and functions, and we use tools, practices, and various structures, finding the solutions and supports that most serve you and where you are at in the moment. As a holistic coach, I approach weight loss from a whole-system perspective, which creates less and less resistance and barriers as you build momentum with your goals. As you probably have experienced first hand, it's hard to make consistent healthy choices if your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs keep getting in the way. As we are working to heal the health of our bodies, we also will work to heal the health of our minds and hearts. This allows you to let go of self-limiting behaviors and begin the embrace the behaviors that represent the wisdom of your inner guidance system. 

An exclusive aspect of Integrated Coaching is the benefit of Emotional Release Work on emotionally triggered eating and health choices. This has been especially helpful from anything to managing cravings, over-eating and drinking, food addictions, to pickiness and avoidances. Not to mention personal blocks my clients have had around establishing healthy habits. Release around self-sabotaging behaviors such as perfectionism and self-judgement, comparison syndrome, self-criticism, etc., have also served to unleash inspirational momentum towards progress. Intergrating Emotional Release Work with coaching is highly recommended for any healthy changes program, but is especially helpful in enabling weight loss.

The best part is, I know I have done my job well when you report back to me you LOVE your new life, because you are actually enjoying your healthy changes and results!

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